My volunteering journey
My name is James McGuire, I have been involved with Achieve More Scotland for the last 9 years. I was 16 years old when I first got involved playing for Possilpark in the Friday Night Football League. At the time I was also starting my 5th year at Secondary school and wasn’t 10% sure what I wanted to do as a career. This was when I first got introduced to the idea of volunteering, so I started to help organise
I was affected with body image when I was playing football constantly having to watch my weight
We finish #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek with a last testimony from one of our staff members who shares his experience and struggles with body image. How body Image affects men? I think body image affects men in different ways. Especially in society today with social media etc. Portrayed to have 6 packs and stuff which can lead to people being depressed anxious constantly. What can be done for men struggling with this? There is help out there to speak to people if they are struggling but I know that
You should love your body no matter how it looks #BeBodyPositive
To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week we have decided to share some of our young people´s opinion on Body Positivity. Today we interview Esther. Why body image affects so many young woman/girls ? When young girls hit puberty they want to make boys like them, but the boys like all the celebrities that have undergone plastic surgery or their favourite influencer has a body they would like. Opinion on body image is so predominant nowadays for young people? It’s prominent
Men/ boys going on holiday may be when they feel the most self- conscious
During #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek we also wanted to focus in the struggles that males go through when it comes to their bodies and appearance. To do so, we have interviewed Ryan, one of our staff members. How body Image affects men? I think body image can affect men as a lot of can be self-conscious and lose confidence in themselves if they don’t feel comfortable with themselves. What can be done for men struggling with this? I think they should have someone to speak to and for
Mainstream media still remains the biggest problem with real representation.
Today we interview Eve, one of the participants of our activities Why body image affects so many young woman/girls ? I think that body image affects so many young girls today because from a young age we are taught to look a specific way , the ideal “look” is incredibly unrealistic however when girls realise they don’t fit into that specific category of what’s beautiful , they start to believe that they are not worth it. Media Influences today is also a big factor, girls