I was affected with body image when I was playing football constantly having to watch my weight
We finish #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek with a last testimony from one of our staff members who shares his experience and struggles with body image.
- How body Image affects men?
I think body image affects men in different ways. Especially in society today with social media etc. Portrayed to have 6 packs and stuff which can lead to people being depressed anxious constantly.
- What can be done for men struggling with this?
There is help out there to speak to people if they are struggling but I know that some people might be embarrassed, scared or anxious to open up to someone because they feel like they may be judged.
- How do you think body image affcets young people who use our services?
Everyone is different and it is more than likely that is affects people in different ways but people who use our services are coming to an age where they are looking to impress fellow peers etc. So if they don’t feel comfortable in their bodies it can again lead to things like depression and mental health.
- What is your opinion / experiences with body image and being male?
I was affected with body image when I was playing football constantly having to watch my weight and if I was overweight I would be self-conscious and I would feel down and upset with myself however I had to change certain things in my life I had to look after my body , eat healthier also if you are being healthy keeping fit there isn’t a better feeling you can feel positive and have a happy outlook on things. So I think being healthy and keeping fit will only benefit your mental health and well – being.
If you are struggling with your body image and it’s affecting your mental health, please contact us. We can support you and find people who will help you to overcome those struggles.