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07375 670032

Room 324B Edinburgh House 20 Princes Square East Kilbride G74 1LJ

Mon – Fri 10.00 – 17.00


Empowerment Project

My Climate Path is a COP26 education legacy initiative for Scotland's young people created by Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) Glasgow, with DYW Lanarkshire & East Dunbartonshire and DYW West, proudly supported by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and funded by Scottish Government. This supports the Young Person's Guarantee commitment to provide every 16-24 year old in Scotland with an opportunity that will positively impact their future. My Climate Path will provide a wide range of opportunities for young people to demonstrate the legacy that COP26 will

This week, Achieve More has joined charities and other public bodies across the country in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Week. A campaign to raise awareness and promote positive changes to improve everyone's mental health. Furthermore, the theme of the campaign is a common effort to reconnect with nature and sport. Thanks to our work, we have witnessed the impact in one person's life of regular physical activity and the key role that it can play on early development.

Hi! I’m Eilidh, I’m 21 years old and I’m from West Linton, a small village just south of Edinburgh. In September 2020 I moved to Bremen, Germany, to take part in a one-year volunteering project through the European Solidarity Corps (ESC), a programme funded and supported by Erasmus+ and the EU. I am volunteering for NaturKultur e.V., an NGO that organises international projects and opportunities for young people living in Europe. I arrived in Bremen at the start of September and

We are about to start a new decade but we wanted to take a look into our achievements during 2019. This year has marked the 10th anniversary of our charity, a very important milestone and a perfect excuse to celebrate, not just our achievements, but also our young people's. Inflata Nation Soft Play Inflatable Park Glasgow We started the year going to Infla Nation with the winners of the Dance Competition 2018 to enjoy an afternoon jumping around and doing

My name's Toni and I have had the honour of supporting this great organisation as part of my short-term volunteering service spanning two weeks in July 2019. As soon as I arrived in Glasgow after an extensive 15 hour journey, I received a very warm welcome from Ahmed, who'd sorted out my ways of transportation like a champ! The following Monday allowed me to catch a glimpse of the ongoing summer camp, leaving me a bit flabbergasted at the sheer

We finish #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek with a last testimony from one of our staff members who shares his experience and struggles with body image. How body Image affects men? I think body image affects men in different ways. Especially in society today with social media etc. Portrayed to have 6 packs and stuff which can lead to people being depressed anxious constantly. What can be done for men struggling with this? There is help out there to speak to people if they are struggling but I know that

During #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek we also wanted to focus in the struggles that males go through when it comes to their bodies and appearance. To do so, we have interviewed Ryan, one of our staff members. How body Image affects men? I think body image can affect men as a lot of can be self-conscious and lose confidence in themselves if they don’t feel comfortable with themselves. What can be done for men struggling with this? I think they should have someone to speak to and for

Well what a campaign it was, thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our daily case studies from young people, youth workers and local partners who have all benefited from Erasmus+ via our social media and thank you to those who caught our national coverage on the Nine News last Monday (we will showing this again next week, if you missed it).  The last two weeks seen our message that no access to Erasmus+ will have a long term negative

At the core of our work with Erasmus+ are our partners across Europe. We have partners in Germany, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria and France who we make projects with. These projects are supporting research into youth work, sport and community development along with creating the next community leaders in Scotland! Today we hear from our European partners on the value of Erasmus+ and their opinion on Brexit. We work with local partners across Glasgow to support them to participate in Erasmus+ and