What have we achieved in 2019?
We are about to start a new decade but we wanted to take a look into our achievements during 2019. This year has marked the 10th anniversary of our charity, a very important milestone and a perfect excuse to celebrate, not just our achievements, but also our young people's. Inflata Nation Soft Play Inflatable Park Glasgow We started the year going to Infla Nation with the winners of the Dance Competition 2018 to enjoy an afternoon jumping around and doing
I had never travelled, let alone travelled for work alone so that was a big step for me
Kiera, Head of Dance for Achieve More Scotland has taken part in a youth worker training in Macedonia. In 2017 Kiera attended a 5-day training course with 30 other youth workers from across Europe to explore using dance to support young people at risk of offending. Kiera puts her Erasmus+ experience down to her growing maturity in her youth work practice that supports over 1000 girls and young women across the City of Glasgow each week. Since then, Kiera has supported 4 young women to take
The importance of taking a local approach to employability
Last week we welcomed the news from the Business, fair Work and skills Minister for Scotland, Jamie Hepburn that the Scottish Government is prioritising fairness in the heart of the government’s skills policy. With youth employment in Scotland higher than the UK average it is something we believe Scotland should be proud of, as the nation is proving that providing programmes that offer a sense of self respect, agency and ownership benefits individuals and communities in the long run to deal
“Be the person you needed when you were younger!”
It’s our 10th year of operation working with young people? As with any milestone, it’s an opportunity to reflect, reflect on the journey, the successes, the failures, the young people and the future. Background to charity creation My own journey to the charity sector has been an interesting one. I’m the classic ‘Gamekeeper turned Poacher’; 22 years working in the Public Sector before moving into the Third Sector. I’ve been a Youth Worker for most of my adult life! I’ve seen fashions
What is next?
We are already two months into 2019 and It has been, so far, a busy and fun year. We started off with February Camp which was a good opportunity to celebrate our 10th anniversary with all the kids and young people. We had over 150 kids every day playing sports and making friends, it was definitely one of our favourites. We have also sent 21 young people to a Residential at Loch Eil for a week. Keep an eye to
Autumn is here!
Autumn is full of exciting of activities at Achieve More! Here is an overview
Building, Developing and Sustaining Corporate Partnerships
It has been a very busy couple of weeks for our Fundraising and Marketing team: 50 walkers donned the bright green Achieve More T-shirt and a kilt to walk the Glasgow Kiltwalk on 29th April, the following week we held our annual #AimHigh Charity Ball, with over 160 supporters in attendance. These events are vital to raise much needed unrestricted funds to enable us to develop and deliver new and responsive services for our participants. Another key aspect of our
Save our Youth Services
In recent years it has been made clear that many of the youth services offered to young people all over the UK have had to face major financial cuts leaving thousands of young people with nowhere to turn. An estimated £387m is believed to have been cut from youth services and it doesn't look like things are getting any better. Another study found that 603 youth clubs were shut down between the years of 2012 and 2016. This is not something
Stephanie and her Mum Jacqueline run 5k every day in December!
Stephanie has been a great supporter of Achieve More Scotland, after attending many of our events including our International women’s day event last year, our annual ball which is held in Grand Central Hotel and our Football legends match and dinner which was held in Torrance Hotel. Stephanie and her Mum Jacqueline came up with the challenge to do a 5k every day in December …. the busiest month of the year when most people just want to celebrate, and