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07375 670032

Room 324B Edinburgh House 20 Princes Square East Kilbride G74 1LJ

Mon – Fri 10.00 – 17.00


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The rise in drug-related deaths in Scotland has been relentless, with the number of deaths increasing almost every year since the 1990s earning Scotland the title of “drug death capital of the world”. Some 1,264 people died from drug-related causes in 2019—an all-time-high for Scotland, higher than any other European country, and nearly three times that of the UK as a whole. The majority of these deaths are in long term users, generally over the age of 35.Other studies report

When the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic forced all Achieve More sessions to stop, we understood that this was an opportunity to offer a wider community support and start initiatives to keep the community engaged with physical activities that allow families to improve their situation. Because of that, we started our partnership with Fontana Fit in March 2020. Sean originally comes from Drumchapel where he faced many of the challenges that Achieve More Scotland participants face on a daily basis, which is

During 2015 we have delivered another round of successful holiday programmes at Petershill Leisure Centre and Kingsway Multi Use Games Area. We catered for an average of 150 young people each day at Easter, Summer and October and thanks to Bauer Radio Cash For Kids every participant was fed each day.     A&M are continuing to provide free sport throughout the City of Glasgow to ensure that young people can remain active. Following on from the success of the Easter Camp and