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Room 324B Edinburgh House 20 Princes Square East Kilbride G74 1LJ

Mon – Fri 10.00 – 17.00


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Everything we shared during October to celebrate black lives and history. Our podcast In Conversation with Councillor Graham Campbell https://open.spotify.com/show/7vJNuXWozcPtUST0uRsodi The values and goals by Black Lives Matter Scotland After the murder of George Floyd, some of our participants shared their experiences of racism in Scotland with us. We wanted to highlight some of them during #BlackHistoryMonth to remind people the importance of being anti-racist and working together to end discrimination. My Story. Historial Figures.

Kiera, Head of Dance for Achieve More Scotland has taken part in a youth worker training in Macedonia. In 2017 Kiera attended a 5-day training course with 30 other youth workers from across Europe to explore using dance to support young people at risk of offending. Kiera puts her Erasmus+ experience down to her growing maturity in her youth work practice that supports over 1000 girls and young women across the City of Glasgow each week. Since then, Kiera has supported 4 young women to take

Ben, 20 from Springburn went to Madrid, Spain for 1 month as a sports coach. He was unemployed and needed support on his direction in life. In Madrid, he volunteered 4 days a week with 2 Spanish youth organisations, helping them to deliver football and coaching sessions. It was an opportunity for Ben to take stock of life and consider his next steps and future back in Glasgow. “It was an experience that I won’t forget. I wanted to go

    Last week we welcomed the news from the Business, fair Work and skills Minister for Scotland, Jamie Hepburn that the Scottish Government is prioritising fairness in the heart of the government’s skills policy. With youth employment in Scotland higher than the UK average it is something we believe Scotland should be proud of, as the nation is proving that providing programmes that offer a sense of self  respect, agency and ownership benefits individuals and communities in the long run to deal

Nowadays society's standards are set so high for young people to be "Perfect" and not the same as everyone around them. In my opinion, our environment is now beginning to turn toxic and people are turning on the people who have the guts to be different.   In my opinion if you aren't the same as everyone else you are set aside and castaway and in some cases, bullied. This is because people in society especially young people, find it overwhelmingly hard

    I was recently in Madrid for 30 days during the month of July, volunteering with Achieve More Scotland as part of programme. I’ve been home for just over a month and I feel this is the best time to reflect on my experience and share it with other people who may want to do something similar in the future. Its safe to say the experience was unforgettable and will stay with me forever. During my time in Madrid, I had been presented with a number

  When I was told that I had been nominated for the Diana award I didn’t know how to feel because I had never heard of it up until I got the phone call to say that I had been nominated. Once I realised how big being nominated for this award is that’s when I know it was a privilege to be involved in this award. I found out that I had one the award I was over in Malawi I didn’t know what

It has been a very busy couple of weeks for our Fundraising and Marketing team: 50 walkers donned the bright green Achieve More T-shirt and a kilt to walk the Glasgow Kiltwalk on 29th April, the following week we held our annual #AimHigh Charity Ball, with over 160 supporters in attendance. These events are vital to raise much needed unrestricted funds to enable us to develop and deliver new and responsive services for our participants. Another key aspect of our

Up and down the country thousands of young people have been left feeling slightly betrayed and majorly underestimated.  Many feel that the voting  age should be lowered to 16 everywhere and not just in certain cities. I myself strongly believe that we as young people should be able to influence key decisions that affect us directly.It is very important for young people to feel like they can express their views and to feel like their voices are heard.  Its very common