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07375 670032

Room 324B Edinburgh House 20 Princes Square East Kilbride G74 1LJ

Mon – Fri 10.00 – 17.00


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As you will be aware, the Prime Minister announced tonight measures which effectively puts our country into a state of lockdown. In order that we adhere with the government measures we sadly require to notify to all of our participants, families and supporters that we have to close all services, including our work in schools and communities until further notice. While it was indicated by the Prime Minister that the restrictions would be in place for 3 weeks initially, it

We leave you here the words from Ana talking about her volunteering experience in Scotland. She was working with Achieve More Scotland participating in a youth led project from the 29th of June to the 20th of July of 2019. This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ programme. “An incredible and unbelievable experience, thanks Scotland” I describe myself as… A solidary person, empathetic and happy that takes care of her environment and her loved ones. I can’t live without… Art, animals, nature and cactus. Why did I decide to have

Kiera, Head of Dance for Achieve More Scotland has taken part in a youth worker training in Macedonia. In 2017 Kiera attended a 5-day training course with 30 other youth workers from across Europe to explore using dance to support young people at risk of offending. Kiera puts her Erasmus+ experience down to her growing maturity in her youth work practice that supports over 1000 girls and young women across the City of Glasgow each week. Since then, Kiera has supported 4 young women to take

Les 22, from Springburn had his first Erasmus+ experience whilst he was unemployed and volunteering with Achieve More Scotland. Youth workers kept pointing out that Les spoke well to things that matter for young people and so he was offered the opportunity to go to Portugal for 1 week with 20 other young people from across Europe to discuss democracy and young people. It was the first time Les had been on a plane and the first time he had

As we make our way through the ongoing headlines, mostly involving pushing the telly from room to room in the office to find the looming BREXIT in bold black writing, we are making our views on Brexit heard in the incoming weeks. We want to showcase the invaluable work of Erasmus+ in Scotland, led by youth organisations in some of Scotland’s most deprived communities. Erasmus+ is one element of the negotiations that has not had its time to shine due to

    The Rezzy Achieve more Scotland carried out their largest residential yet, this involved  21 young people being given the opportunity to take part in outward bound activities such as ; abseiling , hill walking , canoeing , team building activities and camping.  During the 5 days, we went through many ups and downs, and found more activities challenging than others, but with each other at hand we encouraged all to keep pushing and conker our ‘chimp brain’. On the Thursday night

We are already two months into 2019 and It has been, so far, a busy and fun year. We started off with February Camp which was a good opportunity to celebrate our 10th anniversary with all the kids and young people. We had over 150 kids every day playing sports and making friends, it was definitely one of our favourites. We have also sent 21 young people to a Residential at Loch Eil for a week. Keep an eye to

  The pressure of not being able to afford materialistic things at this time of year and in some cases all year round,  effects young people quite a bit  because there is this pressure put on them that they have to be trendy and have expensive items , when this life style isn’t  affordable it leads to self-esteem issues and bullying. Nowadays society is teaching our young people that having lots of branded/materialistic items that you are better than anyone who doesn’t

My name is Ahmed Mumin, I have been involved with Achieve More Scotland (A&M) for the past 4 years. In this time, I have progressed from being one of the young people taking part in their football activities on Friday nights, to a paid sessional coach. Initially I started volunteering with Achieve More  to gain confidence, meet new people and take part in training courses which would allow me to further develop my youth work skills. Through my volunteering role

    What a Friday it was finding out I was the winner of The Scottish Government’s Social Innovation Competition delivered by Firstport and awarded The Young Social innovator award 2018! The competition delivered by Firstport was a Scottish wide competition for people to pitch their social enterprise ideas that involve young people and aim to create social impact. On Friday I had the chance to eat miniature food and talk to a room full of social entrepreneurs from all over the