Fontana Fit joins Achieve More!
Achieve More Scotland are delighted to announce that they are entering a new partnership with fitness and motivation organisation Fontana Fit. In the coming weeks, owner of Fontana Fit, Sean Fontana, will be delivering online activity sessions to keep Achieve More Scotland participants and their families active and motivated during the lockdown. Longer term Sean will be providing support on fitness and promoting positive mindset and motivation via podcasts, blogs, videos etc. to our thousands of social media followers.Sean is
Nike Visits
As part of the developing partnership with Nike, A&M Scotland were visited in October 2015 by their Global Football Management team and the Young Athletes team from their HQ in Portland, Oregon USA to find out more about the work that we do and how it impacts on physical activity levels in this country. We are working closely with Nike’s Community Teams to develop the services we offer and the opportunities available to young people in the areas where we
Nike has given us a unique opportunity
Thanks to our partnership with sports giants Nike, 16 young people involved in our football programme we invited to participate in the week long Manchester United Summer Soccer Schools which took place at Denstone College and Rugby School in July. As part of the programme, a soccer skills challenge took place and one of our participants – Jack Morran from Blackhill won the challenge. Jack and his mum were subsequently invited to spend 4 days in November as guests of