You should love your body no matter how it looks #BeBodyPositive
To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week we have decided to share some of our young people´s opinion on Body Positivity. Today we interview Esther. Why body image affects so many young woman/girls ? When young girls hit puberty they want to make boys like them, but the boys like all the celebrities that have undergone plastic surgery or their favourite influencer has a body they would like. Opinion on body image is so predominant nowadays for young people? It’s prominent
24/7 Social Media
Come morning or night what’s the first and last thing you do? I can bet 9/10 said check your phone. Whether it’s to switch the alarm off, check your calendar or have a quick snoop through Facebook. We don’t think much of it, gradually over time we have used our phones for more and more tasks each day meaning this addictive behaviour has gone unnoticed. This being the case we have set an example that our younger generation must live with
Stephanie and her Mum Jacqueline run 5k every day in December!
Stephanie has been a great supporter of Achieve More Scotland, after attending many of our events including our International women’s day event last year, our annual ball which is held in Grand Central Hotel and our Football legends match and dinner which was held in Torrance Hotel. Stephanie and her Mum Jacqueline came up with the challenge to do a 5k every day in December …. the busiest month of the year when most people just want to celebrate, and
All the answers about our Employability Programme
Last week we started a series of blog posts where we will talk about our Employability Programme Dream Big! We wanted to start giving some answers to the most common questions we have received and showing the path you would follow If you decide to join in. To know more about this Programme, you can contact us at [email protected] DREAM BIG! Q&A What is Employability? Employability is developing skills that will help you access and achieve Employment, Education and Training. What