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07375 670032

Room 324B Edinburgh House 20 Princes Square East Kilbride G74 1LJ

Mon – Fri 10.00 – 17.00


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As we make our way through the ongoing headlines, mostly involving pushing the telly from room to room in the office to find the looming BREXIT in bold black writing, we are making our views on Brexit heard in the incoming weeks. We want to showcase the invaluable work of Erasmus+ in Scotland, led by youth organisations in some of Scotland’s most deprived communities. Erasmus+ is one element of the negotiations that has not had its time to shine due to

In aid of International Women’s Day 2019 we decided that we would let our young people speak up about what this year’s theme, Balance For Better means to them. Today you will see some pictures from some of the children and young people who use our services having their say on the gender balance they want to see for a better world. We believe that is not a gender specific issue but an issue of policy, government and business and

    The Rezzy Achieve more Scotland carried out their largest residential yet, this involved  21 young people being given the opportunity to take part in outward bound activities such as ; abseiling , hill walking , canoeing , team building activities and camping.  During the 5 days, we went through many ups and downs, and found more activities challenging than others, but with each other at hand we encouraged all to keep pushing and conker our ‘chimp brain’. On the Thursday night

Nowadays society's standards are set so high for young people to be "Perfect" and not the same as everyone around them. In my opinion, our environment is now beginning to turn toxic and people are turning on the people who have the guts to be different.   In my opinion if you aren't the same as everyone else you are set aside and castaway and in some cases, bullied. This is because people in society especially young people, find it overwhelmingly hard

My name is Ahmed Mumin, I have been involved with Achieve More Scotland (A&M) for the past 4 years. In this time, I have progressed from being one of the young people taking part in their football activities on Friday nights, to a paid sessional coach. Initially I started volunteering with Achieve More  to gain confidence, meet new people and take part in training courses which would allow me to further develop my youth work skills. Through my volunteering role

    On the 25th of September 2018, I had the pleasure to attend the launch of Black History Month. An event held in the Glasgow City Chambers and organised by a very talented woman Zandra Yeaman. This enlightening evening taught me many things about the slave trade I hadn’t thought about. At the beginning of the evening we were spoken to by several people, then after that we had the pleasure to hear music by a talented composer and a talented

    What a Friday it was finding out I was the winner of The Scottish Government’s Social Innovation Competition delivered by Firstport and awarded The Young Social innovator award 2018! The competition delivered by Firstport was a Scottish wide competition for people to pitch their social enterprise ideas that involve young people and aim to create social impact. On Friday I had the chance to eat miniature food and talk to a room full of social entrepreneurs from all over the

    I was recently in Madrid for 30 days during the month of July, volunteering with Achieve More Scotland as part of programme. I’ve been home for just over a month and I feel this is the best time to reflect on my experience and share it with other people who may want to do something similar in the future. Its safe to say the experience was unforgettable and will stay with me forever. During my time in Madrid, I had been presented with a number

Summer Camp is coming to an end and we have decided to make the best of our last few days together with a big Dance Show at the main stage at Glasgow Green. All the kids have been working hard over the last weeks to put together a great performance with 16 dances. The show will start at 11.45am, families and friends are welcome to this special day. Here are some pictures from Summer Camp at St.Rochs: