What have we achieved in 2019?
We are about to start a new decade but we wanted to take a look into our achievements during 2019. This year has marked the 10th anniversary of our charity, a very important milestone and a perfect excuse to celebrate, not just our achievements, but also our young people's. Inflata Nation Soft Play Inflatable Park Glasgow We started the year going to Infla Nation with the winners of the Dance Competition 2018 to enjoy an afternoon jumping around and doing
24/7 Social Media
Come morning or night what’s the first and last thing you do? I can bet 9/10 said check your phone. Whether it’s to switch the alarm off, check your calendar or have a quick snoop through Facebook. We don’t think much of it, gradually over time we have used our phones for more and more tasks each day meaning this addictive behaviour has gone unnoticed. This being the case we have set an example that our younger generation must live with
Summer is here!
June is here, the streets are warm and the sun seems to hit Glasgow more often than not. We can officially say that SUMMER IS HERE! An overview of all the projects and fun activities coming up on the next three months. Two residentials, our Summer Camp and a chance to gain employment!