When working class writes books
It is International Books Day! Let's celebrate remembering some fantastic books written by working class people World Book Day was created by UNESCO on 23rd April 1995 as a worldwide celebration of books and reading. It is marked in over 100 countries around the globe. The first World Book Day in the UK and Ireland took place in 1997 to encourage young people to discover the pleasure of reading. Today we wanted to take the opportunity to share some books written by
Children’s Mental Health Week
Did you know that 50% of those with a lifetime mental health problem first experience symptoms by the age of 14? At Achieve More we have a long term commitment with children and young people's mental health. We have supported many campaigns over the years and discussed the importance of proper support for those who need it most. Because of that, in celebration of #ChildrensMentalHealthWeek2022 we wanted to gather some of the resources that has been published over the last
Men’s health and drug use
The rise in drug-related deaths in Scotland has been relentless, with the number of deaths increasing almost every year since the 1990s earning Scotland the title of “drug death capital of the world”. Some 1,264 people died from drug-related causes in 2019—an all-time-high for Scotland, higher than any other European country, and nearly three times that of the UK as a whole. The majority of these deaths are in long term users, generally over the age of 35.Other studies report
Mental Health Awareness Week
This week, Achieve More has joined charities and other public bodies across the country in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Week. A campaign to raise awareness and promote positive changes to improve everyone's mental health. Furthermore, the theme of the campaign is a common effort to reconnect with nature and sport. Thanks to our work, we have witnessed the impact in one person's life of regular physical activity and the key role that it can play on early development.
2020 comes to an end…
This year has been a tough one all round. For children and young people living under the pandemic has meant a lack of routine, increased social isolation, cyberbullying and higher rates of mental health struggles to name but a few. At the beginning of lockdown we adapted our services in response to those in need of support. In April our food parcel delivery to the community was launched and it’s provided an essential support to families across Glasgow who were going through
What have we achieved in 2019?
We are about to start a new decade but we wanted to take a look into our achievements during 2019. This year has marked the 10th anniversary of our charity, a very important milestone and a perfect excuse to celebrate, not just our achievements, but also our young people's. Inflata Nation Soft Play Inflatable Park Glasgow We started the year going to Infla Nation with the winners of the Dance Competition 2018 to enjoy an afternoon jumping around and doing
“An incredible and unbelievable experience, thanks Scotland”
We leave you here the words from Ana talking about her volunteering experience in Scotland. She was working with Achieve More Scotland participating in a youth led project from the 29th of June to the 20th of July of 2019. This project has been funded by the Erasmus+ programme. “An incredible and unbelievable experience, thanks Scotland” I describe myself as… A solidary person, empathetic and happy that takes care of her environment and her loved ones. I can’t live without… Art, animals, nature and cactus. Why did I decide to have
I have a lot of fear if there is no Erasmus+
Erasmus+ gave me the confidence to support young people when they experience transforming life experiences and develop their views on the world, and for that I have become a better youth worker who wants to dedicate his time to Glasgow communities.
“Be the person you needed when you were younger!”
It’s our 10th year of operation working with young people? As with any milestone, it’s an opportunity to reflect, reflect on the journey, the successes, the failures, the young people and the future. Background to charity creation My own journey to the charity sector has been an interesting one. I’m the classic ‘Gamekeeper turned Poacher’; 22 years working in the Public Sector before moving into the Third Sector. I’ve been a Youth Worker for most of my adult life! I’ve seen fashions