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01355 274910

Room 323 Edinburgh House 20 Princes Square East Kilbride G74 1LJ

Mon – Fri 10.00 – 17.00


Voting Age

Up and down the country thousands of young people have been left feeling slightly betrayed and majorly underestimated.  Many feel that the voting  age should be lowered to 16 everywhere and not just in certain cities.

I myself strongly believe that we as young people should be able to influence key decisions that affect us directly.It is very important for young people to feel like they can express their views and to feel like their voices are heard.  Its very common that politics is not a household subject for many young people. Especially when we hit slightly more deprived areas it becomes clear that young peoples knowledge and understanding of politics and how the country in run is very poor. If we want to change that we need to show them that if they speak out their voices will be heard and they really can have an impact. We need to send a message to all young people that we do appreciate them and that their hard work will not go unnoticed. They need to know that we need them just as much as they need us.

Young people are expected to pay tax; they can join the army they can even get married so why should they not be allowed to vote. Just because we are young does not mean that we are not capable of some really great opinions and views. Young people are not just our future but they can also be our present! So lets take advantage of this and try and make a change.

Achieve More Scotland are on a mission to try to get more young people involved in politics and will actively seek out different ways of informing young people about what’s going on in there area.  We could encourage young people to get involved with SYP and the BYC; we could also encourage them to get involved in campaigning on issues affecting them.


“I decided it is better to scream. Silence is the real crime against humanity.”

    Nadezhda Mandelstam