Zip Slide the Clyde for Glasgow’s Young People
Achieve More Scotland are holding an event – Zip Slide across the Clyde on Saturday 15th September. Due to this being a very busy event with many charities taking part to raise funds, We only have limited spaces available. This event does not cost the participant to take part but to ensure all costs are covered for the charity we ask that the minimum sponsorship for this is £200 per participant.
The requirements to take part are:
- At least 16 years of age.
- Maximum of 17 stone in weight.
Not only is this a great way to raise funds for Achieve More Scotland to improve Glasgow’s young people’s chances and help Achieve More improve and extend their services in deprived area’s it is also a very enjoyable event to take part in. The height of the crane is roughly 130ft-170ft and the distance travelled is approximately 750ft-1400ft. So why not go soaring across the Clyde taking in the views while raising money for a very worthy cause? We promise you will not be disappointed.
If you are interested and would like to secure your place – please do so as soon as possible, as previously mentioned there is only a very limited number of spaces available. To register your interest or for more information please contact Toni on [email protected]